Running Physio and Assessments

Are you tired of being injured when running? Would you like to improve your running endurance, speed and ability? It’s time to get your running ASSESSED.

Are you tired of being injured when running? Would you like to improve your running endurance, speed and ability? It’s time to get your running ASSESSED.

Tom Williams is a passionate runner who specialises in assessing your running technique, shoe selection and identifying what you need to work on in order to improve the way you run. Tom is fortunate to work with runners of all levels from junior endurance and sprint runners, all the way to ultra-marathon distance runners.

At The Health Collab, Tom’s Running Assessment is comprised of 3 parts:

  • Part 1: Running Analysissome text
    • We use video analysis to look at your running technique on a treadmill or outdoors to identify where you can improve with your running efficiency
    • The goal is to identify areas of the body that are more likely to be working harder and help share the load across the body
  • Part 2: Running Specific Strength & Movement Assessmentsome text
    • Once you have completed the running assessment, we look to assess your running specific strength, balance and coordination to understand how your body moves relative to how you run.
    • Additionally, we assess your breathing pattern, foot function and how your eyes are influencing how you express your strength, balance and coordination to get the full picture of your movement.
  • Part 3: Running + Strength Specific Training Plansome text
    • Once we have all the information about how you run and move, we take that information to make a running and strength plan specific to YOU.
    • Together, we will map our shoe selection, running plan and strength training to get the best results for what YOU want. If you have a running or strength and conditioning coach, we will link in with them to make sure we are all on the same page to create the best pathway forward for YOU.

If you are experience any of the following running injuries, it is time to get your running assessed:

  • Foot and ankle bone stress-related injuries
  • ‘Shins Splints’ (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)
  • Achilles tendinopathy
  • Calf Strains
  • Knee pain (patellofemoral pain)
  • ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome)
  • Hamstring tendinopathy
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Exercise Induced Asthma